The band met in the middle of the night on the corner of Central and Myrtle Ave outside OMG Pizza. After a quick but intense discussion about femininity and lactose-intolerance, the band was formed.
Since then, the band has been on several adventures to places like Nashville, Middlebury College, and Middle Earth where they have played music, games, and tricks on the locals.
The band is currently asleep in the basket of a hot air balloon traveling nowhere in particular with nothing but turkey sandwiches and an old tape machine.
In the morning, they will wake up and spend the day like they spend every other… searching for the name of the wind.
Modern Diet have a genuine rock sound that is all their own. While I can name a few other bands they reflect, really they have that ultimate compliment that they sound like themselves.
Chiming open note guitar chords, soulful keyboards, bright tambourine percussion and a progression defining bassline immediately establish wistful sentimentality for the lyrics that follow.
Dave Cromwell on 'Post Grad' | The Deli
Amidst percussive handclaps, exquisitely cool electric guitar shapes, cool side-stick drum beat, tactile bass, the crystal clear vocal harmonies reveal a relationship on the outs, and the sort of resulting barren landscape of it all.
American Robb on 'Smaller' | American Pancake
The Brooklyn-based outfit have released their most succinct and complete body of work to date.
Kieran Rogers on 'The State of Things' | Clout